Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Parisian 'Do

While we were in Paris at the end of December, we decided it wasn't worth it to wait in museum lines, and so we did a lot of walking. Moderates that we are, we split our wandering between the left and right banks. We delighted in the different neighborhoods, most of them charming in the way that only Paris can charm. On the last day of our visit we determined to hoof it to the train station. As we neared the station, we walked up 10 blocks of nothing but wig stores and hairstylists offering braiding and straightening. Here in DC, on part of New York Ave. there is a block of wig stores, but this avenue in Paris put that to shame. It was amazing, and something that the postcards don't bother to capture, so I've put a shot of one of the store fronts here for your enjoyment.


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