Saturday, December 03, 2005

Glutton for Punishment

This morning, I woke up at 7 am, studied for an hour, took a run, then delivered myself to the dentist's to drool and wince. Fortunately, no cavities. Unfortunately, law school seems to have pushed my already-poorly-aligned mouth over the brink and into the uncomfortable state of TMJ. I have a sweet mouthguard that protects my teeth from cracking under the pressure I'm apparently exerting on them at night through clenching and grinding. But the guard doesn't protect my teeth from getting rocked ever so slightly back and forth as my jaw locks down on them for all its worth. This leaves little areas of nerve exposed. As if my nerves aren't getting enough exposure just sitting in the library obsessing over how I'm possible going to get a handle on all of this material before my first exam. Zing!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Relax. take time out each day for yourself. head to the gym. get a massage. go out and spend boyfriend/fiancee's/s.o.'s money on yourself in Georgetown or Alexandria. You'll figure out how to synthesize the material (keep in mind that synthesizing a lot of material down into its basic essence is an important practice skill - one of the most important you learn in law school - and more important than the rule against perpetuities).

9:08 AM  

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