Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Things learned in the last 4 days

1. If I stay up for more than 24 hours, I get weepy -- in the sense that I can't stop crying, even though I'm not sure what I'm crying about.

2. If you get a job offer, it means that they want you and you should use this to your advantage, even if it means asking very nicely for them to wait just a little longer until you give them an answer. If someone offers you more time to think about something TAKE IT (I didn't do this).

3. If you are waiting on a second job offer, BE PATIENT. (I wasn't patient).

4. There are a whole stream of questions that only emerge once an offer becomes a reality. (This is why one should follow the remarks in #2 and #3 above).

5. Regret is a terrible feeling.


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