Thursday, November 10, 2005


Pages of torts, crim, civ pro, contracts read: 0
Bottles of wine consumed: 2
Amount of tension relieved: 99%

A night with good friends, some wine, a running mocking commentary of a cheesy TV show -- what more can you ask for? I'm noticing how important it is to do things that make me forget I'm in law school, and what fun it is to be out on a "school night" now and again.

I'm anticipating more relaxation in the near future. Looking ahead to this weekend is like spying the full-downy beds at the department store and knowing that I can actually take a nap in all of its soft sleepiness. I'm dog sitting for a classmate, looking at bridesmaid gowns with one of the women who will be wearing the dress come August 12th, and other than that, Saturday and Sunday are mine! The alone time is all the sweeter knowing that S. comes back next week and so this apartment will soon be filled again with the best company.


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