Full Facial
I was indulging myself in a birthday gift last weekend, a facial at an upity faux-spa near our apartment. It was a lovely break, cream after potion was massaged onto my skin, and after each wrap of the warm (but not hot) towel around my face I felt more tension dissolve. That was, until the aesthetician started asking me, "Do any of your family members have ruddy skin?" Well, my dad has spent almost every day of his adult life out in the elements, so yes. "Do you tend to flush when you drink?" Doesn't everyone? "Does the skin around your nose ever peel?" Yeah, but hey, it's winter, what gives. "I think you may have mild roscascea. It's a genetic skin condition that often manifests in one's late 20's. There's really nothing you can do for it."
Schreeeeeech. Relaxation mode, recoil.
Sweet. What a perfect 26th birthday present. Upon arriving home, I immediately went to this website. My only comfort is that I have managed to find a man before my nose become completely deformed (not that there's anything wrong with that). Seriously though, so much for the relaxing facial.
If you are worried, go to a dermatologist. Don't let some person who works in a "faux spa" diagnois you.
You are soon to be a professional. You should know better than to immediately believe that kind of diagnosis.
Thanks for your comment, and your concern. To clarify, though, I guess my attempt at sarcasm in writing this post failed. The “diagnosis” did interfere with my complete and utter relaxation, but I’m not really too concerned about it. If it becomes a real issue, I'll be sure to see a dermatologist.
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