Monday, October 24, 2005

Woe is Me of Irish/Scottish Heritage

It happened again today, as it usually does. I raise my hand (or get cold-called), I have an answer, I'm feeling confident and then...I start to speak, my voice is clear but about 30 seconds in I can feel the temperature gauge rising.

From the shoulders, up the neck, to the ears, and then coming around to the cheeks and face --- the full blown blush.

When it happens, I continue to speak, but the internal movie screen starts trying to picture what shade of crimson I'm presently displaying, and the internal voice starts sending the emergency calming messages, which are so frantic that they're no help at all.

I used to always be correct when I felt the heat of the automatic-discomfort-reader. When I thought I had turned into a beet, I usually got confirmation that indeed I had. I take small comfort in the fact that I seem to recently be feeling the blush but not actually turning any primary colors -- or else people are just being kind.
Maybe tomorrow I'll bring in a mirror to monitor the blush. Suggestions about what I might do to minimize this response would be appreciated!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The blushing may be out of your control. But your response to it is in your hands. Let it happen, but stay focused on the thoughts and words you are delivering, which is all that matters.

6:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wear red so that it'll just blend..

3:12 AM  

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