Question for Blogger Bloggers
I seem to be plagued by spam comments, is there anyway I can delete them, or make it more difficult for spammers to post comments without having to make commenters "sign in" before they post?
I seem to be plagued by spam comments, is there anyway I can delete them, or make it more difficult for spammers to post comments without having to make commenters "sign in" before they post?
Where were you last night Big Nick's? Weaving my way home after a long day and night out all I wanted was a greasy, savory, HUGE slice of your pizza, smothered in parmesan cheese out of the glass shaker, with a few red peppers for good measure. My mind did multiple radar sweeps of the area, but woefully there is nary a 24 hour joint around down here in DC. Alas, I had to settle for a woefully under-satisfying microwaved burrito in your place. Oh I miss you Big Nick's.
I have always loved shoes, and most of all the sound that some shoes make. As a little girl there was nothing better than walking down a long corridor in patent leather mary janes, making the halls reverberate with a diminutive version of the staccato clacking of a woman in pumps.
It's ridiculous, not since first grade has a check plus excited me so. There is only one class this semester, "Legal Research and Writing", in which a single test does not determine my entire grade. I've never been one to worry much about mid-terms or exams. I participate, I do well on papers throughout the semester, and then review in a reasonable manner come test-time. But here, there is a dull throb of anxiety stemming from the knowledge that regardless of whether I ace an answer in class, the amorphous, long, intimidating and all-determining three hour exam looms in December.
Maybe it's the only-child thing, or maybe it's the nature of the subjects I've studied but I've never been one for study groups. However, as of this morning I am officially part of a 1L study group. There are four of us, which is a great number as far as I'm concerned. We met, we've got a plan for what we want to accomplish, for how we're going to tackle information, and I've never been so excited to review the requirements of a good pleading.
It's so predictable. Throw in some pre-event stress, mix with transition, add a dash of public restroom, incubate for three weeks and presto! I've got a sore throat and the beginnings of a stuffy nose. Just about every Christmas vacation from high school through college, I would fight a cold for the first two or three days. My body does a great job of navigating up the mountain to the pinnacle of stress, but when it comes to the descent, well, the stress-sherpas seem to often loose their way and fall prey to the cold gremlins. And so it is, three weeks into law school, just at the very first inkling that I might be relaxing a little bit and WHAM, last night at the movies the fever-flashes and sore throat started moving in. Right on cue.
Law school is different. I tried to prepare myself for this, and I repeated the mantra all summer, "law school is NOT going to be like my college exprience, law school is not going to be like my..." But nonetheless, I'm taken aback. For starters, it's a lot harder. And it takes a lot more concentration.