Tuesday, August 16, 2005

In a Nutshell

This summer has been a great one. I quit a job where I wasn't happy, got engaged to the person I love, visited many of my closest friends, witnessed one's marriage, spent time with family in the most beautiful place on earth (Maine), and enjoyed lots of outdoor time.

Now I'm back in our nations's sweaty armpit and tomorrow I start law school orientation. My palms start to sweat and my skin threatens to revolt in a strike of zits at the thought of it. Last time I participated in an orientation it was for college, seven years ago. I was shaky, but I knew enough to look out for myself, and that meant, among other things, changing roommates and taking lots of time out from the enormous heards that tend to form during orientations.

So here I go again. This time I feel less shaky, firmed up by the month and a half that I've had to spend with family and friends. However, over the summer months I've given way more thought to planning our wedding than to starting law school. And now that it's about to become reality, I'm less worried about making friends, and more worried about making a fool of myself. I looked at my fall classes - the standard civil procedure, torts, criminal law, and legal writing - and realized that I really have very little idea what I'm getting myself into. It's been three years since I was in an academic setting and part of me frets that I've gotten too lazy to do the work. The good news is, I have three days of orientation to psyche myself up for what's to come.


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