Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The Gunners

They're here, The Gunners. I could hardly find the classroom for Torts, let alone remember my assigned seat, but after class let out I noticed a number of people gravitating towards the adjacent classroom, where my Criminal Law class was meeting in over an hour.

I followed the pack with curiosity, maybe I had mixed up my schedule and Criminal Law was about to begin?

Nope. These people were all squatters, arriving over an hour in advance to get the best seats in the house, the seats that we were all assigned to today. My God.

I had forgotten that the seating chart was going to be passed around today, but since I was there, I figured I might as well plunk my ass down in a good spot and do some reading myself. Within a half an hour of the class starting nearly all the "good seats" were filled, leaving just those around the periphery of the room. If it hadn't been for my curiosity I would have had one of those "beyond the pale" seats, which really wouldn't have been a big deal anyway. Sheesh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, does this mean you're planning on becoming a gunner?

Seat location doesn't always cut it. Besides, you'll probably see a big change in your classmates after first semester grades come out. Some will start to shut up. Others will exude more confidence. Just relax. Don't let them play with your head. It's a marathon, not a sprint. In the end, none of it will matter.

2:28 PM  
Blogger Ms. Runner said...

I'm not planning on becomming a gunner, though anything can happen, I suppose. I appreciate the analogy to a marathon, and I also think that my distance from undergrad helps me put things in a larger perspective. That said, I imagine it will take more than a semester for me to feel confident enough in what I'm about in relation to law school before my psyche develops a proper coating of telflon to dispense with the mind games I let myself be vulnerable to now.

5:36 PM  

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