Sunday, April 17, 2005


Tomorrow I'm going to give my notice at work. I hate doing this. The last time I gave notice at a job my lungs tightened to the point that I sounded like a barking penguin telling my boss that I was through.

It's not that I'm indispensable, or that my employer is in such a crunch that my departure will screw them over, it's just that I don't like quitting, or letting people down, and since I know that they want employees to stay for two years, I feel like I'm failing them (9 mos is well short of even one year!).

I'm giving a ridiculous amount of notice, so that they'll have ample time to find someone. Nonetheless, I'm nervous about how it's going to go over. Good thoughts sent my way on Monday morning would be most appreciated.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are conducting your employment termination issue honorably and with extraordinary consideration for your employer's inerests. No way around it, death, marriage, selling one's home, and yes, leaving one's employ are all the biggies. They contribute to the emotional river. But some springs that feed that river are deeper than others and this one you are dealing with is only a small one in the larger flow flow. Carry on.

10:46 AM  
Blogger pjm said...

I felt similarly when I left my last job. I was burned out and tired and had to explain this to my boss, who had been doing the same job for sixteen years and still loved it.

I've been telegraphing my upcoming departure for several months. I haven't set a date yet, but they've known for a while that I will be leaving, and they've incorporated me in plans for the post-me environment here. It has both made things easier for them and made me feel better about leaving, because I don't feel like I'm deserting my responsibilities.

12:10 PM  
Blogger Ms. Runner said...

Thanks for your words of encouragemetn and your empathy. To respond to abl, the announcement was taken well. I told both my boss and her supervisor, and they each responded with understanding, though they were surprised. It's not complete relief, because I still feel that I'm disappointing them, but I'm glad it's out in the open. As pjm notes, telling your employer well in advance does help ease the whole thing because everyone can plan accordingly. My boss was certainly appreciative that I've given them a full two months notice.

6:49 PM  

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