Sunday, April 15, 2007

Stroke of Genius

Ok, well, not genius, but something close. I am a baker, or at least I love baking. When I was younger and we had snow days, one of my favorite things to do was to pull out one of my mom's many cook books and find something sweet to make the house smell good. I find the mixing therapeutic and appreciate how little washing or chopping of ingredients is involved (minus nuts, but whose not willing to put in a little extra elbow grease for the nuts?). In any case, the therapy, it's good for me during exam times, gets me out of my head, etc. But what do you do with a batch of two dozen cookies when there is only you at home (aside from doing a performance art piece "what is gluttony")? There are only so many times I can bring cookies to my friends before they start to feel like I'm force feeding them. So tonight it dawned on me -- the freezer! I have one cookie ready to be baked at a moment's notice (meaning right after I post this) and a log of dough in the freezer for whenever the craving to eat another strikes (like tomorrow night). Now, whether that frozen dough will betray it's cryogenic-like incubation with freezer-burn aftertaste once it's baked...I'll let you know.


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