Thursday, June 02, 2005

Oh Baby

I was pregnant, 20 weeks along and starting to show. Sometimes I remembered it (especially when I did things like try to bend over), and sometimes I forgot. But when I went to the doctor (by myself) and saw the heart beat on the sonogram, I knew it was for real. The doctor told me it was a boy – and I was really excited about that.

And then I started to Freak Out.

I had forgotten that I was going to law school: how was I going to have this kid and keep up with the reading?

For those of you who didn’t know, the dream Oscars were held this morning, and this dream won “best picture” for its ability to capture and neatly sum up my deeply imbedded anxiety. (It was generous to give me a normal baby, though, since I have been drinking all of that lead water).


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