Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Afraid of the Water

I grew up swimming in the frigid Atlantic, and in lakes, and at the school pool, but recently I’ve developed a fear of water. I moved to DC in the fall of 2004. This city is notorious for its lead pipes. The public works department is slowly going about the business of replacing those pipes (did I mention that this is going very slooooowly?). Even so, they’re only responsible for the pipe that runs up to the building, after that, it’s up to the management company, or the condo association, or the private home owner to replace the remaining piping.

I drink about 5 Liters of water a day. (I also go to the bathroom a lot during the day – did I mention that I’m often bored at work?) I used to pooh pooh water snobs – what’s wrong with the tap?, but since moving south I’ve signed up for spring water delivery. I’d rather shell out the bucks now than be told later by an OB/GYN that I have ridiculously high levels of lead in my blood and that my unborn child will suffer. Because of the apartment move, there has been some lag time between deliveries.

Last night I polished off the last drops of my current supply with dinner. Then, I had some salty licorice, smart, so smart. My thirst mounted. I sipped one of the Vitamin waters my boyfriend loves – too sweet. I really just wanted water, plain old water. Down came the Brita that I’d put away (not powerful enough to prevent images of my stunted, brain-damaged babe --- or to actually reduce lead levels according to the EPA), I dusted it off and filled it. It’s a little ridiculous, I know. I haven’t been this afraid of water since I was in Africa, but if these posts start to sound even less intelligent, you’ll know why.


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